Dreams (One or Two Piece)
About Dreams (One or Two Piece)
Meo Patacca Restaurant: Period: 3 Years.
We started our first professional gig as a three piece band. Two guitars and Drums. We played the kind of music most popular at the time plus golden oldie rock and Latin American. Approximately a year later a female keyboard player and vocalist joined us – which gave us a greater scope -- particularly in doing female numbers and group numbers like the Carpenters. Shona had a voice similar to Karen Carpenter -- which went down very well.
Beacon Isle Hotel: Period: 1 Year.
The group and our sound remained the same – except our other guitarist was replaced by our Agent: Don Hughes Organisation – for a guitarist similar in ability.
Arcadia Hotel (Pretoria): Period: 1 Year
Our sound continued to be similar and the same group at Beacon Isle remained the same at the Arcadia. After our contract was finished at the Arcadia the group broke up.
I did gigs in Durban and Johannesburg in various groups thereafter for a number of years. Ever since then I have played in a number of groups doing mainly one night stands and occasionally short term gigs of a couple of weeks.
Trevor Troye